The Demon
The Demon No. 1
August-September 1972
Cover: The Demon //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "Unleash the One Who Waits" (24 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Intro and origin: The Demon (Jason Blood)
Supporting Characters: Merlin (see Comment below), Glenda Mark, Randu
Singh, Gomali Singh, Harry Matthews, Inspector Stavic (first appearance
for all)
Intro: Mona (only appearance), Milovic
Villains: Morgaine Le Fey and her legions, Warly, living gargoyles
(first appearance for all)
Comments: Story continues in next issue.
The chronology for real or legendary characters of Earth-One
such as Merlin has not yet been completed.
Synopsis: In the waning days of Camelot, Merlin transforms his demon
familiar Etrigan into a man, Jason Blood, who loses his memory of his Demon
identity. By the 20th Century, Morgaine Le Fey, Merlin's adversary,
has arisen anew and wishes to replenish her youth with Merlin's secrets.
She forces Jason Blood to become the Demon again and to lead her to Merlin's
The Demon No. 2
October 1972
Cover: Demon waiting for Milovec, Inspector Stavic, and other
villagers //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "My Tomb In Castle Branek" (Chapter 1; 5 pages)
Chapter 2 (9 pages)
Chapter 3: "Bath of Fire" (9 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Glenda Mark (next appeas in
issue #7), Randu Singh, Merlin (as a ghost), Inspector Stavic (next appears
Other Character: Milovec (last appearance)
Villains: Morgaine Le Fey (next appears in issue #16) and her legions,
Warly (next appears in issue #16), living gargoyles, the Gorla (first appearance;
dies in this story)
Comment: Story continues from last issue.
Synopsis: The Demon strives to keep Morgaine Le Fey from restoring
her youth with the powers of Merlin.
The Demon No. 3
November 1972
Cover: Jason Blood and Demon chained together in front of monster //Jack
Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "Reincarnators" (Chapter 1; 4 pages)
Chapter 2: "Let Loose the Demon" (12 pages)
Chapter 3: "A Million Slaves For the Master-Eye" (6 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Randu Singh
Villains: The Master-Eye Cult, Mord (first and only appearance for
all), the High One, Haakud (first appearance for both; both die in this
Synopsis: The Demon battles the Master-Eye Cult, a group of mystics
who summon criminals from the past to possess normal humans and thus gain
tools to assassinate U.N. delegates.
The Demon No. 4
December 1972
Cover: Iron Duke, Ugly Meg, and a Demon doll //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "The Creature From Beyond" (Chapter 1; 4 pages)
Chapter 2 (7 pages)
Chapter 3: "Ugly Meg" (7 pages)
Chapter 4: "Enemies of Merlin" (4 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Merlin, Randu Singh, Harry Matthews
Intro: Mr. Carter (only appearance)
Villains: Ugly Meg, Iron Duke (first appearance for both), the Kamara
(first and only appearance)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Two sorcerors, Ugly Meg and the Iron Duke, unleash a fear-demon,
the Kamara, and the Demon and Merlin must oppose them.
The Demon No. 5
January 1973
Cover: The Demon vs. The Mannikin and Ugly Meg //Jack Kirby / Mike
Story: "Merlin's Word, Demon's Wrath" (chapter 1; 4 pages)
Chapter 2: "Night of the Demon" (12 pages)
Chapter 3: "The Dream Beast" (7 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Merlin, Randu Singh, Harry Matthews
Villains: Ugly Meg, the Iron Duke (both die in this story), the Mannikin,
a wooden creature (first appearance; both destroyed in this story), Somnambula
(first and only appearance)
Synopsis: The Demon and Merlin continue their battle against Ugly Meg
and the Iron Duke.
The Demon No. 6
February 1973
Cover: The Demon on horseback vs. The Howler //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "The Howler" (chapter 1; 6 pages)
Chapter 2: "He Is the Demon" (8 pages)
Chapter 3: "Transfer" (9 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Merlin (next appears in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #109),
Glenda Mark (last appearance in issue #2)
Intro: Anton (only appearance)
Villain: The Howler (Eric Shiller; first appearance; dies in this story),
the Primal Entity and a new host (first and only appearance for both)
Synopsis: After battling the Howler as the Demon, Jason Blood must
find a way to exorcise the "Primal Entity" from his foe's body.
The Demon No. 7
March 1973
Cover: Klarion and witches vs. the Demon //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "A Witchboy" (chapter 1; 5 pages)
Chapter 2 (7 pages)
Chapter 3: "Change the Face of Jason Blood" (11 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon (next appears in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #109)
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Glenda Mark, Randu Singh (all
next appear in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #109)
Intro: Sidney Courtney (only appearance)
Cameo appearance: Merlin
Villains: Klarion, Teekl (a familiar; first appearance for both; both
next appear in issue #14), the Judge and other witches, Draaga (another
familiar), the Horigal (first and only appearance for all), a harpy (first
appearance; dies in this story)
Comment: Shortly after this story the Demon teams with Batman to fight
Jack Dobbs in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #109.
Synopsis: The Demon is healed of a monster's scratches by the familiar
of a witchboy named Klarion, who claims sanctuary in Jason Blood's home
from a cult that is stalking him.
The Demon No. 8
April 1973
Cover: The Demon and the Phantom of the Sewers //Jack Kirby / Mike
Story: "Phantom of the Sewers" (chapter 1; 15 pages)
Chapter 2: "The Phantom Strikes Again" (8 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon (last appearance in BRAVE AND THE BOLD
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Glenda Mark, Randu Singh (last
appearance for all in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #109)
Villain: The Phantom of the Sewers (Farley Fairfax; first appearance)
Comments: This story is based in part on the film THE PHANTOM OF THE
OPERA, based on the novel by Gaston Leroux.
The Philosopher's Stone which appears in this story is probably
not the same one used by Dr. Alchemy, the Flash's villain.
Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Glenda Mark is kidnapped by a masked thief known as the Phantom
of the Sewers, and Jason Blood can't pursue her as the Demon, since he
says he has "killed" his other-self.
The Demon No. 9
June 1973
Cover: The Demon and a devil's shadow //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "Whatever Happened To Farley Fairfax?" (Chapter 1; 6 pages)
Chapter 2 (4 pages)
Chapter 3: "Farley Fairfax" (5 pages)
Chapter 4: "The Tragic Curse of Farley Fairfax" (8 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Glenda Mark, Randu Singh
Villains: The Phantom of the Sewers, a sorceror (in flashback; first
and only appearance)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Without the power of the Demon, Jason Blood and his two friends
must try to track down the Phantom of the Sewers and save Glenda Mark from
The Demon No. 10
July 1973
Cover: The Demon and Asmodon //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "The Thing That Screams" (chapter 1; 5 pages)
Chapter 2 (6 pages)
Chapter 3: "The Soul Snatcher" (9 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Glenda Mark, Randu Singh
Villains: The Phantom of the Sewers (dies in this story), Galatea,
the Soul Snatcher, Asmodon (a demon; first and only appearance for all)
Synopsis: The Demon must allow Glenda Mark to be possessed by a witch's
soul in order to restore the face of the Phantom of the Sewers.
The Demon No. 11
August 1973
Cover: The Demon and people facing Rakenstein's monster //Jack Kirby
/ Mike Royer
Story: "Baron Von Evilstein" (chapter 1; 6 pages)
Chapter 2 (6 pages)
Chapter 3: "The Terrible Transplant" (8 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon (last appearance in BRAVE AND THE BOLD
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Glenda Mark, Randu Singh
Intro: Rakenstein's monster, Prof. Alan Hunter, Miss Carver (only appearance)
Villains: Baron Von Evilstein, Igor (first appearance for both)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Jason Blood is kidnapped by evil scientist Dr. Evilstein,
who wishes to transplant Blood's brain into the body of a monster he created.
The Demon No. 12
September 1973
Cover: The Demon,
Story: "Rebirth of Evil" (Chapter 1; 5 pages)
Chapter 2 (6 pages)
Chapter 3: "Seeds of Disaster" (6 pages)
Chapter 4: "Terror City" (3 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews, Randu Singh
Intro: Janie Wells
Other Characters: Alan Hunter, Rakenstein's monster
Villains: Baron Von Rakenstein (in flashback; first appearance; dies
in this story), Baron Von Evilstein, Igor
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Baron Von Evilstein and his assistant Igor attempt to transfer
Jason Blood's brain into the body of a monster.
The Demon No. 13
October 1973
Cover: The Demon unleashing hallucinations of monsters on Baron Von
Evilstein and Igor //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "The Night of the Demon" (chapter 1; 10 pages)
Chapter 2: "The Monster" (3 pages)
Chapter 3: "The Horrible Happening" (
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Randu Singh, Harry Matthews
Other Characters: Janie Wells, Alan Hunter (last appearance for both),
Rakenstein's monster (dies in this story)
Villains: Baron Von Evilstein, Igor (both possibly die in this story)
Comment: Story continues from last issue.
Synopsis: While Rakenstein's monster stalks the city, the Demon and
Baron Von Evilstein both stalk him for their own purposes.
The Demon No. 14
November 1973
Cover: Klarion and Teekl making Demon vanish //Jack Kirby / Mike Royer
Story: "Witchboy" (Chapter 1; 4 pages)
Chapter 2 (6 pages)
Chapter 3: "Spirit From the Night" (4 pages)
Chapter 4: "Deadly Doppleganger" (7 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Harry Matthews (next appears in DETECTIVE COMICS
#482), Randu Singh (next appears in KOBRA #4), Glenda Mark
Cameo appearances: Gargora, a Shambler (first and only appearance for
both; in a dream)
Villains: Klarion, Teekl (last appearance for both in issue #7), a
duplicate Demon (first appearance)
Comment: Story continues in the next issue.
Synopsis: Klarion the Witchboy returns and creates an evil duplicate
Demon to destroy Jason Blood's three closest friends.
The Demon No. 15
December 1973
Cover: Klarion, Teekl, and duplicate Demon vs. Demon //Jack Kirby /
Mike Royer
Story: "The One Who Vanished" (Chapter 1; 5 pages)
Chapter 2 (6 pages)
Chapter 3: "To Live Or To Die" (9 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Character: Glenda Mark
Villains: Klarion (next appears in WONDER WOMAN #280), Teekl (next
appears in WONDER WOMAN #281), the duplicate Demon (destroyed in this story)
Comment: Story continues from last issue.
Synopsis: The Demon battles Klarion and his duplicate self.
The Demon No. 16
January 1974
Cover: Morgaine Le Fay, her guard, and captive Demon //Jack Kirby /
Mike Royer
Story: "Immortal Enemy" (Chapter 1; 5 pages)
Chapter 2 (5 pages)
Chapter 3: "Power of the Stone" (10 pages)
Editor, writer, penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker, letterer: Mike Royer
Feature Character: The Demon (next appears in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #137)
Supporting Character: Glenda Mark (next appears in BRAVE AND THE BOLD
Villains: Morgaine Le Fey (last appearance in issue #2; next appears
in BATMAN FAMILY #17), Warly (last appearance in issue #2; last appearance),
Kafir the Horned One, the Smasher (first and only appearance for both)
Comment: Sometime after this story the Demon teams with Batman to fight
Shahn-Zi in BRAVE AND THE BOLD #137, then teams with Man-Bat to fight Morgaine
Le Fey in BATMAN FAMILY #17, then briefly appears in CHALLENGERS OF THE
Synopsis: Morgaine Le Fey and Warly return to capture the Demon and
try to force Glenda Mark to relinquish the Philosopher's Stone.
Detective Comics No. 482
February-March 1979
Story: "The Eternity Book" (15 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Michael Golden
Inker: Dick Giordano
Letterer: Milt Snapinn
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Feature Character: The Demon (last appearance in CHALLENGERS OF THE
UNKNOWN #87; origin retold in this story)
Supporting Characters: Glenda Mark (last appearance in THE DEMON #16),
Randu Singh (last appearance in KOBRA #7), Harry Matthews (last appearance
in THE DEMON #14)
Cameo appearances: Merlin, Morgaine Le Fey, Warly, Klarion, Teekl,
Master-Eye Cult (in flashbacks)
Intro: Aldo Beckermann (dies in this story)
Villains: Baron Tyme (last appearance in MAN-BAT #1), the Unliving
(first appearance; dies in this story)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Baron Tyme's servant kills the keeper of the Eternity Book,
spurring Jason Blood to become the Demon and attempt the book's recovery.
Detective Comics No. 483
April-May 1979
Story: "Return To Castle Branek" (10 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Len Wein
Artist: Steve Ditko
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Characters: Glenda Mark, Randu Singh, Harry Matthews, Inspector
Stavic (last appearance in THE DEMON #3)
Cameo appearance: She-Bat (in flashback)
Villain: Baron Tyme
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Baron Tyme transforms the Demon back to Jason Blood, but
learns that the crypt of Merlin is empty.
Detective Comics No. 484
June-July 1979
Story: "Tyme Has No Secrets" (9 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Len Wein
Artist: Steve Ditko
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Feature Character: The Demon
Supporting Character: Inspector Stavic
Intro: Abner Beckermann, Ms. Krenshaw (last appearance)
Villains: Baron Tyme, Miklos (first appearance)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Baron Tyme loses the Eternity Book during his battle with
the Demon, but survives the conflict.
Detective Comics No. 485
September 1979
Story: "The Fatal Finale" (12 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Len Wein
Artist: Steve Ditko
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Feature Character: The Demon (next appears in WONDER WOMAN #280)
Supporting Characters: Randu Singh (next appears in WONDER WOMAN #280),
Glenda Mark (next appears in WONDER WOMAN #281), Harry Matthews (last appearance)
Other Character: Abner Beckermann (last appearance)
Villain: Baron Tyme (last appearance)
Comments: Story continues from last issue.
After this story, the Demon teams with Wonder Woman to fight
Klarion and Baal-Satyr in WONDER WOMAN #280-283, teams with Swamp Thing
to fight the Kamara in SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #25-27, teams with Superman
to fight Blackbriar Thorn in DC COMICS PRESENTS #66, teams with Blue Devil
in BLUE DEVIL #12 and with Blue Devil and other heroes to fight Felix Faust
in BLUE DEVIL ANNUAL #1, joins the heroes of Earth to fight the Anti-Monitor
in CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #11-12, and teams with Swamp Thing and other
heroes to deal with the Dark in SWAMP THING (2nd series) #50.
Synopsis: Baron Tyme attempts to use his magic to restore himself to
full humanity and rob the Demon of his Jason Blood identity.
Kobra No. 1
February-March 1976
Cover: Kobra feeling pain as Jason Burr burns his hand //Ernie Chua
Story: "Fangs of the Kobra" (18 pages)
Editor: Gerry Conway
Plotters: Jack Kirby, Steve Sherman
Scripter: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inkers: D. Bruce Berry, Pablo Marcos
Feature Character: Kobra (Burr; intro and origin)
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr, Lt. Ricardo Perez (first appearance
for both)
Villains: Kobra, the Cobra Cult (first appearance), the Servitor (first
appearance; destroyed in this story), Horst Buchner and his gang (first
appearance for all; all die in this story)
Synopsis: College student Jason Burr learns that he has a twin brother
who has become a mastermind of evil named Kobra, and that what one of them
feels, the other feels as well.
Kobra No. 2
April-May 1976
Cover: Jason Burr menaced by mirror reflections of Kobra //Ernie Chua
Story: "Code Name: Gemini" (18 pages)
Editor: Gerry Conway
Writer: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Chic Stone
Inker: Pablo Marcos
Feature Character: Kobra
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr, Lt. Ricardo Perez, Melissa McNeil
(first appearance)
Cameo appearance: Servitor (in flashback)
Villains: Kobra, Cobra Cult, Solaris (Clifton Lacey) and his gang (first
appearance for both)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Kobra and a new villain, Solaris, battle each other for possession
of a solar weapon, the Heliotron.
Kobra No. 3
June-July 1976
Cover: Kobra, Solaris, and giant robot //Ernie Chua (signed)
Story: "Vengeance In Ultraviolet" (17 pages)
Editor: Gerry Conway
Writer: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Keith Giffen
Inkers: Dick Giordano, Terry Austin
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character: Kobra (origin details revealed in flashback)
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr, Lt. Ricardo Perez, Melissa McNeil
Villains: Kobra, Cobra Cult, Solaris (dies in this story) and his gang
(last appearance), Natalie Crawford-Thomas (in flashback; first appearance;
dies in this story)
Comment: Story continues from last issue.
Synopsis: Kobra forces Jason Burr to help him attack Solaris in an
attempt to steal the Heliotron.
Kobra No. 4
August-September 1976
Cover: Kobra vs. Servitor II; Jason Burr vignette //Joe Kubert (signed)
Story: "Brother's Keeper, Brother's Killer" (7 pages)
Chapter 2: "Through the Eye of Kharma" (5 pages)
Chapter 3: "Chaos At Gate 57" (5 pages)
Editor: Gerry Conway
Writer: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Pat Gabriele
Inker: Lowell Anderson
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character: Kobra
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr, Melissa McNeil (next appears in
issue #7), Ricardo Perez (dies in this story), Randu Singh (last appearance
in THE DEMON #14)
Intro: An Illandian (only appearance)
Villains: Kobra, Cobra Cult, Servitor II and III (first and only appearance
for both)
Synopsis: Kobra convinces an alien to ally himself with him and put
two new Servitor robots at his disposal.
Kobra No. 5
November-December 1976
Cover: Kobra; vignettes of Jason Burr, Jonny Double, and Randu Singh
//Rich Buckler / Frank McLaughlin
Story: "The Eye of the Serpent" (17 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Rich Buckler
Inker: Frank McLaughlin
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Carl Gafford
Feature Character: Kobra
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr, Randu Singh, Jonny Double (last
appearance in WONDER WOMAN #203)
Intro: Big Louie Muldonato (as a voice; only appearance), Sam, Rog,
Mack (dies in this story)
Cameo: Ricardo Perez
Villains: Kobra, the Cobra Cult, Sarwan, Operatives C-12 and C-37 (first
and only appearance for latter three)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Private eye Jonny Double, following up a case, stumbles onto
a plot of Kobra's to destroy San Francisco.
Kobra No. 6
January-February 1977
Cover: Kobra destroying Golden Gate Bridge //Mike Nasser / Joe Rubinstein
Story: "The Crack In the World Conspiracy" (17 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Mike Nasser
Inker: Joe Rubinstein
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character: Kobra
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr, Randu Singh, Jonny Double, Prof.
Ross Emerson (first appearance)
Other Characters: Sam, Rog (last appearance for both)
Villains: Kobra, Cobra Cult
Comment: Story continues from last issue.
Synopsis: Jonny Double, Randu Singh, and Ross Emerson combine forces
to save San Francisco from Kobra's wrath.
Kobra No. 7
March-April 1977
Cover: Kobra, Cobra Cult, and cobras vs. Jason Burr //Mike Nasser (signed)
Story: "The Lazarus Conspiracy" (17 pages)
Editor: Paul Levitz
Writer: Marty Pasko
Penciller: Mike Nasser
Inker: Joe Rubinstein
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character: Kobra (origin retold; next appears in DC SPECIAL
Supporting Characters: Jason Burr (origin details revealed in flashback;
next appears in DC SPECIAL SERIES #1), Jonny Double (next appears in CRISIS
ON INFINITE EARTHS #11), Randu Singh (next appears in DETECTIVE COMICS
#482), Prof. Ross Emerson (last appearance), Melissa McNeil (last appearance
in issue #4; next appears in DC SPECIAL SERIES #1)
Intro: Jerome Erskine Burr II, Mootama V. Burr (Jason Burr's and Kobra's
parents; in flashback; die in this story), Sen. Thornton DeWitt (only appearance)
Villains: Kobra, Cobra Cult (both next appear in DC SPECIAL SERIES
#1), Sarwan (last appearance)
Comment: Story continues in DC SPECIAL SERIES #1, in which Kobra battles
Batman and Jason Burr dies. Then Kobra fights Aquaman, Batman, and Green
Lantern in AQUAMAN #58-61, Superman in SUPERMAN #326-327, Wonder Woman
in WONDER WOMAN #273-278, Superman and Ambush Bug in DC COMICS PRESENTS
#81, and Batman and the Outsiders in BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #24-27.
Then Kobra helps fight the heroes of five Earths in CRISIS ON INFINITE
EARTHS #9 and later battles Batman and the Outsiders again in THE OUTSIDERS
The New Earth Kobra first appears in THE OUTSIDERS #21.
Evidently Kobra fails to revive his dead parents after this story,
because they make no further appearances.
Synopsis: Jason Burr is captured by Kobra, who uses a "neural neutralizer"
to block the empathic bond between them and intends to raise their dead
parents to life again.